Debates on Campus (Banner)

Debates on Campus

Our latest co-sponsored debate, over the resolution that "Sex biological and binary, and gender identity is not a substitute for sex in social policy" took place on April 17, 2024. More information, including photos and a recording of the debate, is available by scrolling below or visiting our debate page.

MFSA believes that one approach to restoring MIT's former open culture is to model civil discourse and debate on controversial and contentious topics by holding formal, moderated public discussions – debates, panel discussions, and presentations with public Q&A. Our preferred approach is structured public debates. We believe these are the best proxies for the discussions of opposing viewpoints that should be taking place in the labs, in the dorms, across the dining tables, and in the offices. Debates over focused topics are also an effective tool for expanding the Overton window of subjects that can be seriously discussed in public.

The MIT faculty Ad Hoc Committee of Free Expression provided several recommendations to help improve cultural support and tolerance for free speech on the MIT campus. The Committee noted that learning to engage in dialogue concerning controversial matters is a developmental skill that can be taught, improved, and encouraged. The recommendation specifically aimed at that was for MIT to identify and encourage pedagogical practices that enhance student skills involving the exchange of challenging ideas. Partly in response to this recommendation, MIT has initiated two new programs, the Dialogues Across Differences and the Civil Discourse Project. The debate program that MFSA co-sponsors at MIT reinforces and augments those initiatives. The MIT community needs more examples of open and civil discourse, because cancel culture and self-censorship has become so pernicious and pervasive throughout the Institute, because it has become embedded over many years, and because it continues to be reinforced by the broader social forces opposing freedom of expression.

Debate: Is sex binary?  April 17, 2024

Our third debate at MIT was held on April 17, 2024, at which the following resolution was debated:

"Resolved: That sex is biological and binary, and gender identity is no substitute for sex in social policy." Former ACLU President Nadine Strossen moderated the debate, with the following participants:

Affirmative Team: 

Negative Team:

For further information, visit our debate page.

MFSA co-sponsored our second debate on the MIT campus in the fall of 2023. Nadine Strossen reprised her role as moderator in the debate, with the following participants:

Affirmative Team: 

  • Chad Womack, Vice President of National STEM Programs United Negro College Fund
  • Jaret Riddick, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security and Emerging Technology, Georgetown University

Negative Team:

  • Luana Maroja, Professor of Biology and Chair, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Program, Williams College 

  • Erec Smith, Associate Professor of Rhetoric, York College of Pennsylvania;  President and Co-founder, Free Black Thought.

MFSA co-sponsored our first debate on the MIT campus, open to all members of the MIT community, in the spring of 2023. Nadine Strossen, former President of the American Civil Liberties Union and professor of law emerita at New York Law School, served as moderator. The participants in the debate were as follows:

Affirmative Team: 

  • Heather Mac Donald, Thomas W. Smith Fellow, Manhattan Institute
  • Patanjali (Pat) Kambhampati, Professor, Department of Chemistry, McGill University

Negative Team:

  • Pamela Denise Long, CEO, Youthcentrix; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Antiracism Consultant

  • Karith Foster, Founder, INVERSITY Solutions; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Specialist