2025 College Free Speech Rankings

MIT Performance in 2025 College Free Speech Rankings

In the 2025 College Free Speech Rankings, conducted by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression and College Pulse, MIT was ranked 164th of 251 institutions surveyed, with an overall speech climate rated "slightly below average." This marks a decline in overall ranking from MIT's performance in the 2024 rankings, in which it finished 136th of 248 institutions. 

Additional analysis and commentary from MFSA about MIT's performance in the latest rankings is forthcoming. In the meantime, you can review MIT's performance in the individual metrics at this page. A complete explanation of the rankings' methodology can be found here

Additional reading:

MIT Performance vs. STEM Institutions

CollegeRating (0-100)Ranking (of 251)Quartile
Michigan Technical University73.1521
Georgia Institute of Technology69.3951
Colorado School of Mines59.90261
Purdue University58.42301
Carnegie Mellon University55.56411
Worcester Polytechnic University54.55461
New Jersey Institute of Technology50.34942
California Institute of Technology48.811112
Virginia Tech University48.501162
California Polytechnic State University48.171202
Illinois Institute of Technology47.301283
Stevens Institute of Technology46.781353
Massachusetts Institute of Technology43.321643
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute42.501734

MIT Performance vs. Ivy+ Institutions

CollegeRating (0-100)Ranking (of 251)Quartile
Duke University59.72271
University of Chicago55.20431
Yale University44.041553
Massachusetts Institute of Technology43.321643
Cornell University36.492154
Stanford University35.492184
Princeton University34.492234
Dartmouth College34.372244
Brown University33.132294
University of Pennsylvania12.502484
Columbia University0.002504
Harvard University0.002514